The Bad Times: Waterford Country Houses During The Revolutionary Period
William Fraher
Regular price €20.00
Paperback, 220 pages
This book approaches the subject from the viewpoint of the owners of the Big Houses and how it impacted on their lives and their attitudes to England and the new emerging Ireland. The role of the house and estate staff is also examined. It look at the efforts of the owners to obtain compensation to rebuild their houses which were burned or damaged. Fortunately, a number of primary sources became available during the research which have now been brought together for the first time.
This book also looks at how this period is covered in unpublished local eye-witness accounts written by Anglo-Irish women. These are key primary sources by Emily Ussher of Cappagh House, Mildred Dobbs of Camphire House, the Hon. Mary Olivia de la Poer of Gurteen le Poer, Beatrix, Lady Osborne Beauclerk and Frida Keane of Cappoquin. There are numerous illustrations of the various different houses and related aspects connected to them.