Nun's Cross Church, Co. Wicklow and its treasures
Patricia Butler
Regular price €30.00
Published by Nun's Cross Church 2017 Hardback
This book, commissioned by Killiskey Select Vestry, Co Wicklow in order to celebrate the bicentenary of their church, Nun’s Cross, Killiskey, Ashford, Co Wicklow chronicles the long and distinguished history of this church from its medieval foundation extending back to 1179 A.D. The new church, completed in 1817 contains an astonishing array of ‘treasures’ outstanding not only for their quality but also for their diversity and interest. Home to a rich collection of items in wood, stone and marble which have direct links to the great international revival of design and artistic craftsmanship known as the Arts & Crafts Movement (c.1885-c.1925), the church is also fortunate to possess a unique and important collection of stained glass executed by leading international artists, Michael O’Connor, Charles Emer Kempe and Catherine O’Brien (An Tur Gloine). Links to the political (Sir Roger Casement) and literary (John Millington Synge) ‘scenes’ are also present and discussed.