Dublin Castle: From Fortress to Palace Volume 2
Ann Lynch, Conleth Manning, Ken Wiggins
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Available to pre-order. Books will be shipped September 2023
Wordwell, 2023
With volume one winning first place the Listowel Writer’s Week Nilsson Local Heritage Award, this is the second of a three-volume series on Dublin Castle and the archaeological excavations carried out there between 1961 and 1987.
Volume 2 focuses on the Viking-age archaeology that pre-dates the foundation of the Anglo-Norman castle. Significant evidence for Viking-age habitation, including post-and-wattle houses, was uncovered as part of the first archaeological excavation to be carried out in Dublin, at the Cross Block in 1961–2.
Further evidence of habitation was excavated at the areas of the Cork Tower and Powder Tower in 1985–7, with elements of the eastern defences of the Viking-age town recorded within the footprint of the latter tower. The extensive collection of artefacts discovered during the excavations and the analysis of environmental samples, faunal and human remains and metalworking debris throw much light on everyday living conditions and craft activity within the Viking town.
Placing the findings of these excavations within their national and international context, specialist contributions by many experts ensure that this publication contributes significantly to an understanding of early Dublin.
Ann Lynch worked as an archaeologist with the National Monuments Service, acting as Chief Archaeologist before her retirement in 2018. She has excavated at many of Ireland’s premier national monuments and her published works include reports on Newgrange passage tomb, Poulnabrone portal tomb and Tintern Abbey. Her research interests lie in the Neolithic period of Ireland.
Conleth Manning worked as a Senior Archaeologist with the National Monuments Service until his retirement in 2017 and directed excavations at many sites in Ireland. His research interests are focused mainly on the historic period and he has published widely on Irish archaeology. He is a past-president of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland.
Ken Wiggins was a member of the excavation team at Dublin Castle in 1985-7. His background is mostly in the area of urban medieval/post-medieval archaeology. His publications include Anatomy of a siege: King John’s Castle, Limerick, 1642 and A place of great consequence: archaeological excavations at King John’s Castle, Limerick, 1990-8.